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Fine Arts

Fine Arts - Bob Loehr (Department Chair)


Gilbert, Caroline   Chorus & Orchestra
Ginter, Christine   Visual Arts
Loehr, Bob   Band
Roe, Zach   Drama
Thompson, Lori   Visual Arts

The Cherokee County School District Art Education and Fine Arts curriculum encourages and supports the performing arts, the visual arts and all phases of the theatre arts. The arts are a significant and enduring aspect of cultural heritage; in addition, they provide a means of understanding human ideals and aspirations. The School District fully supports a full array of courses to allow students to express themselves artistically.


Dramatic Arts -  The drama curriculum is designed to provide opportunities for the development of creative activity of students and to increase understanding and appreciation of drama. Drama classes also provide technical training in interpretation and give students experience in all aspects of play production.

Visual Arts -  The purpose of the visual arts curriculum is to provide various means in which students may express ideas by developing them into creative works, critically evaluating their own work and the works of others. Additionally, the curriculum assists the student in developing an understanding of the historical and cultural impact of art.

Music - Courses of both a performing and non-performing nature are offered with the goal of assisting the student in becoming a producer and consumer of music through participation and active listening. Classes from beginning through advanced levels are available.