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Science - Steve Epperson (Department Chair)

Blades, Mark Moore, Amber
Brennan, Sarah Nace, Gwen
Burkhalter, Jennie Potz, Ashley
Castleberry, Tracy Rigsby, Karen
Cross, Clayton Sliger, Jordan
Epperson, Steve Thomas, Audra
Freeman, Jaimie Thomas, Savanna
Higginbotham, Jacqueline  (ESOL) Varela, Lupe  (ESOL)
Martinez, Laura (ESOL) Watson, Lynda


The Cherokee County Secondary Science curriculum reflects national science goals, the Georgia Department of Education’s Performance Standards and Cherokee County Student Performance Standards. The study of science in Cherokee County is approached from the fundamental view that science is a dynamic discipline. Technology, laboratory experiences, current science issues and real life problem-solving are an integral component of the science program. For graduation, students shall earn at least four (4) units of credit in laboratory based science courses consisting of one unit of a physical science or physics, one unit of biology, one unit of either chemistry, earth science, environmental science or an AP course and one additional science unit. The fourth science unit may be used to meet both the science and elective requirements.